Just wanted to share with everyone here my feedback on a fishing trip to the Andaman Islands, India. Not just an ordinary fishing trip, a great journey and destination for the more adventurous angler type.
It’s hard to describe it… but no trip is the same, however there has been no trip to the Andamans that has ever disappointed me. These fishing grounds are still virgin and the only commercial fishing allowed is by line (no trawlers) and yet only 10% of the annual quote of commercial fish, such as tuna etc are caught there. You can imagine, this is for me truly anglers heaven. Or shall we all it Jurassic Park?

There’s one phrase you shall remember, when visiting the Andamans… “Expect the unexpected!”. This year’s trip was a bit early (December), but the weather was forgiving. Only the first day we had some rain showers, but after that the seas were flat. I managed to go out every day, further beyond Minerva, but as well hitting some new and exciting jigging spots with tons of action.
The record of the season has been caught on my new Carpenter rod. Not by me… but our lovely friend Mr. Qutub! Good lesson learnt, never give your rod to the guide. First cast out on the reef and BOOM a monster GT smashed my popper!!! We had plenty of action and some big hits, strikes and the occasional fish that got away with it.
Again the Andamans keeps me surprising and I firmly believe it is a value for money destination, catering to the needs of almost every angler, from beginner to high-end/expert level!